Jan '22

Look Forward and Upward in the New Year
Jan '22

New year – old problems! Somehow the struggles we faced in 2021 have followed us into the new year. Mr. Covid goes by a new variant now, Mr. Omicron, and I read the wonderful news this morning that 46 more variants have been identified in France!
I think the only people rejoicing in this news are the pharmaceutical companies and the Chicago teachers union, always on the hunt for a reason to stay at home, though 91 percent are fully vaccinated. But enough of that!
I am excited about what God is doing among His people at Calvary, and the good works He has prepared for us. What are they you ask? I don’t know exactly but, like a hen sitting on her eggs until they hatch, I am confident God is going to reveal them to us in the coming months. They will be revealed TO YOU because they involve you. I am not looking for ideas for you to suggest to me, the elders, or the Vestry—expecting us to put a program together while you watch. The Holy Spirit wants to put opportunities on your heart – and perhaps He has already been at work doing so – in which others can come alongside you to support you.
You’ll have an opportunity to share your ideas at a special meeting after worship on February 6. We’ll share in a potluck lunch, and, following lunch, I’ll lead us through a planning session that will lay out a schedule of activities for the coming months.
Two Sundays ago we considered Paul’s words to the Corinthian congregation:
“I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”
1 Corinthians 9:22
1 Corinthians 9:22
These words led me to reflect and to ask you this question:
To what lengths are you willing to go to gain someone for Christ?
To what lengths are you willing to go to gain someone for Christ?
A dying world faces grim prospects for the future far worse than 46 Covid variants: They face God’s judgement without a Savior and the endless eternal torment of hell. We cannot save them all, but we are right to embrace Paul’s confidence in the Holy Spirit’s work that we will be able “to save some”!
Pastor Ed Grant